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What Are the Advantages of Best Home Battery Storage?

Feb. 04, 2024

Storing solar-generated energy with solar battery storage grants more energy independence, but it may not be for everyone.

Solar battery storage adds more moving parts, costs, and complexities homeowners must manage with their home solar power system.

You still will have to deal with the provider and have less autonomy, but net metering is a good option for many homeowners.

Before we write off a solar battery backup storage system, let’s examine the pros and cons and how to make an informed choice.

Solar Battery Storage Pros and Cons

Let’s get any drawbacks out of the way first. We always like ending on a positive note.

Cons of Solar Battery System

  • The home battery is the best add-on to your home solar installation, but it may have high initial costs
  • Whole home solar energy backups need dedicated space for solar battery installation
  • More complexity in estimates to get the backup load right for your needs
  • More parts that need yearly inspection and/or maintenance

Pros of Solar Battery Storage

  • More incentives to recoup the costs of the system
  • 24/7 backup energy ready for a blackout emergency and nighttime needs that seamlessly keeps your house and its essential appliances running
  • Great energy independence from utility rate changes, i.e., no more bills during TOU Peak hours.
  • It can operate in tandem with a grid-tie system for greater efficiency and energy assurance
  • Very low maintenance and use the sun power to charge the system
  • Excellent customer service support with any troubleshooting, if needed
  • Weather-resistant and family-friendly, safe to be around kids and animals anywhere in or outside your home
  • A customized system with app monitoring in real-time for maximum savings and personalization
  • Noiseless backup energy, unlike generators

Increasing power outages and utility rate hikes have become the norm for Californian residents.

Residential solar power systems are even the playing field, but adding storage completely tips the balance to the energy users’ side.

Does Home Solar Battery Make Sense For You in 2023?

Solar power storage can be an excellent investment for many homeowners. If you’re seeking to reduce your energy bills, and want to have greater control over your energy usage, a solar battery backup system is worth considering.

Even if power outages are infrequent in your area, the opportunity to store and use solar power during peak times can lead to significant savings. This makes it a worthwhile investment for those seeking greater energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Especially for customers with electric vehicles, a whole home battery system with solar power installed, will have significant energy independence.

Benefits of Home Solar Battery System Installation:

  • In case of natural disasters, emergency power can be used during a power outage
  • Avoid frequent outages due to an unreliable power grid
  • Power all critical/medical equipment or appliances that must stay on no matter what
  • Significantly reduce electricity costs and fees from your energy providers
  • Want to reduce seasonal and/or daily peak costs in your electric bill
  • Keep your valuable and essential appliances when an unknown electric short circuit happens in the power grid

Usually, a grid-tie solar system is enough for homeowners, but a home battery backup system can easily achieve massive energy savings and power independence.

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The Best Solar Battery Backup: Choose The Best In 2023

Solar Battery Options

Selecting the type of battery you want to use is entirely up to you. You may have an installer who chooses a specific type for all customers or offers multiple brands.

Home battery backup technology has improved over the years and is drastically changing today. Therefore, worrying about if you should choose lead-acid, saltwater, or lithium-ion may be a moot point.

Battery companies will have their products’ capabilities to power storage capacity, lifespan, etc., listed for you. You don’t have to be as savvy and informed as you did 10-15 years ago. You can simply look at the brands’ specs.

Tesla, and its Powerwall, is one of the leaders in the battery storage industry. You can’t go wrong with a Tesla battery with its user-friendly app and reliable battery design. A Tesla Powerwall generally stores 13.5 kWh and comes with a 10-year warranty.

Can I Add Battery Backup to My Solar Panel System?

If you want to add a battery to your current solar panel system, the answer is yes! As the market and technology advance, batteries become cheaper and more reliable for whole-house power backup. 

Investing in battery backup is an investment that can help you a lot faster the sooner you get it. However, another beauty of solar power technology is you can add to it in the future.

If you already have a system or are considering adding one, you can add your battery storage afterward. It may cause some complexities, but you can plan for those when you are initially installing your system. Most challenges are null and void with a Tesla battery’s sleek and compact designs. It is becoming easier to add solar energy storage, which is just another check in the plus column.

Common Solar Battery Storage FAQs:

Q: What are the main pros of adding solar battery storage?

A: The main pros are having 24/7 backup energy in case of blackouts, greater energy independence from utility rates, and using sun power to charge the system. It also provides seamless backup power for your home’s essential appliances.

Q: What are the main cons of solar battery storage?

A: The main cons are the high upfront costs, needing dedicated space for installation, more complexity in system design, and more maintenance of parts.

Q: What types of solar batteries are available?

A: Common options are saltwater/flow, lithium-ion batteries, and LPF(lithium iron phosphate). Brands like Tesla offer good charging cycle batteries that are reliable and have a sleek, compact design with UL and CEC approvals.

Q: Can I add a battery to my existing solar panel system?

A: Yes, you can add battery storage later on to an existing solar system. It may require some reconfiguring, but it is definitely possible, especially with compact battery options.

Q: Who can benefit most from solar battery storage?

A: Homeowners who want energy bill savings, backup power in emergencies, energy independence, and/or cost savings during peak rate times can benefit greatly from adding solar battery storage.

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Q: How much maintenance is required for solar batteries?

A: Solar batteries require very little maintenance, just occasional inspections or part replacements. The sun charges the system, so minimal effort is needed.

Q: Are solar batteries safe for homes with kids?

A: Yes, solar battery systems are designed to be weather-resistant and safe around families. They don’t produce noise or fumes like generators.

For more answers about going solar – Solar FAQ

No matter what you do, having the insights of great professionals, like Option One Solar, is smart to get the right and personalized information you need to make an informed decision. They have experts ready to assist you and get you up and running worry-free.

Home - Solar Battery Storage - Pros and Cons of Solar Battery Storage

Whether you’re just beginning your solar journey or you already have a complete system, now is the perfect time to consider adding solar battery storage. From lower bills to independence from utility companies – there are many benefits of solar batteries. Let’s have a better look.

1. Lower Electric Bills

Yes, solar batteries are not exactly cheap. However, they’re an incredible long-term investment that pays off times fold.

Over time, you’ll see the savings add up on your electric bill — beyond what you would save with solar panels alone. Here are three ways that you can accrue cost savings with battery storage.

Net Metering

If you have solar panels, but no battery storage, excess energy from your system will feed back into the electric grid. Many utility companies will give you credit for this energy, which is called net metering.

But other utility companies actually charge a fee for net metering or don’t give you any credit for backfed energy. If you can store the excess energy in a battery system instead of sending it back to the grid, you’ll save more in the long run in these situations.

California’s new NEM 3.0 net billing rules effective April, 2023 are a prime example of a utility billing rate that works better if you install solar with an energy storage system.

Peak Shaving

A solar battery system can increase your electric bill savings if you are on a time-of-use (TOU) utility rate. Under TOU rates, the charge for using electricity at “peak” times is higher (typically in the evening from 4 to 9 PM, but this can vary).

With a solar battery system, you can store excess energy during off-peak hours and use that energy during peak times to avoid paying higher rates.

Demand Charges

Some commercial utility providers implement demand charges, based on the largest amount of power you draw at any one time. You can program a solar battery system to provide power when you have higher demand to reduce your demand charges.

2. Energy Independence

Another key benefit of solar battery storage is energy independence. As power outages become more common, having backup power is critical.

While solar batteries won’t run everything in your home, they can certainly provide relief during brief power outages, allowing you to feel more comfortable and have peace of mind during emergencies, storms or even earthquakes.

Important Tip: Calculate how much solar battery backup do you need. You don’t necessarily need solar battery storage for your entire home. Partial battery backup is an option too!

3. Hassle-Free and Low Maintenance

Usually, when we think about power backup, generators is the first solution that comes to our mind. However, compared to generators, solar battery systems, once installed, up and running, require very little maintenance.

First of all, generators require fuel. If you don’t have enough fuel stored, you may find yourself in a pickle because gas stations can’t pump fuel if the power is out.

On the other hand, solar batteries offer a hassle-free alternative. They “re-fuel” themselves with solar energy, so you don’t have to worry about your reserves.

4. Reduced Noise

Generators are also notoriously noisy. And solar batteries are about as loud as a humming refrigerator. With a battery system, you can still have backup power that won’t disrupt your daily activities or sleep.

5. Less Environmental Damage

In addition to being noise-friendly, solar batteries are also environment-friendly. Unlike generators, they don’t require using fossil fuels that produce polluting gas emissions.

Since solar battery systems obtain power from the sun, you won’t have to worry about creating more waste or increasing your carbon footprint any further. By using renewable energy, you'll be contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable planet.

6. Long Lifespan

Your solar battery storage system will last a long time. Newer lithium battery systems, such as the Enphase Encharge, are warrantied to last for at least ten years or 4,000 cycles, while generators typically have 3 to 5-year warranties.

7. Tax Credits and Rebates

If you install batteries with your solar power system, you’ll get to take advantage of tax credits and rebates that apply to solar installations. Through 2032, the federal tax credit for complete solar installations is 30%. So if you’re thinking about installing solar on your home this year, definitely consider adding battery backup simultaneously. Or even if you are adding energy storage to an existing solar power system, you’ll still qualify for the credit.

In addition to federal tax credits, you may also be eligible for additional credits, rebates or other incentives in your local area that can apply to the solar battery system.

8. Higher Real Estate Value

Installing solar panels along with a solar battery system could increase the value of your home or business. Property buyers see the value in clean energy and backup power that offers assurance and peace of mind.

Read more: The Best Solar Battery Backup Systems for 2023

Should You Invest in Solar Battery Storage?

The benefits of solar batteries are clear, and the demand for battery backup is only rising from here.

"Adoption is increasing," says Alex Lepore from Fortress Power, a solar energy storage manufacturer. "More people now trust the technology. It's likely that by the end of this decade — 2030 — the battery space is going to grow almost six or seven times over."

If you have the budget, and your energy usage could benefit from storing excess power, we definitely recommend adding solar battery backup to your system.

If you’re looking for more guidance on solar batteries, look no further than the industry experts at GoGreenSolar! Our solar veterans are readily available to help you through the decision, purchase and installation processes. Check out our solar battery backup systems, or reach out to us with your questions today.

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